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Capabilities Statement

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Wise Ways Capability Statement

Our Coaching Programs work with Leaders to expand Visions, Advance Missions, Lead Organizations, and Live Fully.

Leadership Skills Coaching

Wise Ways Consulting provides executive-­level coaching and professional development by strengthening leadership skills and effective communication. We help individuals establish and achieve professional development goals, improve connections with peers and employees, and create a more successful, cohesive and positive environment.

Coaching Techniques: Goal Setting

We also offer training and facilitation services for teams and projects focusing on a variety of topics from leadership skills, effective communication, goal setting, and personal development.

Executive Coaching Services and Professional Development

  • Identify core problems
  • Conduct and explore Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessments
  • Conduct EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 assessments and develop individual growth plans
  • Develop goal setting techniques
  • Improve leadership skills
  • Improve written and verbal skills for effective communication
Our coaching programs are two-­fold. We provide professional development techniques such as strategic planning, goal setting and effective communication skills. These tools carry over into an individual’s personal development as well.

Executive Coaching Expertise

Melissa Davies is an executive coach with broad-­based experience in educating people of all ages and backgrounds. She specializes in helping people develop cross-­cultural competencies while recognizing that positive relationships and inclusive environments are vital to the success of any organization.

Executive Coaching Benefits

Executives who work with Wise Ways Consulting develop a broader understanding of their leadership strengths and weaknesses. They learn effective goal setting techniques that help them excel in both personal development and professional development. Effective communication and leadership skills training allows a greater understanding of clearly articulated goals and steps to achieve them.

Coaching is highly personal – your program will be uniquely crafted for your specific needs.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help with your coaching needs.

Contact us Today to Discuss Your Training and Coaching Requirements.

Wise Ways Consulting
Call Us At:  +1(703) 763-382
Contact Us Via Email: [email protected]

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